Update: WooThemes have listened, and are working to improve the situation. More details at the bottom of this post. Update 2: The answer to “What Ere They Thinking?” is a resounding They Were Not Thinking and now realise it. Now UserVoice has missed a trick here – they have shown to be unable to react […]
Archive | October, 2012
What Character Encoding does SagePay Use?
You can look through the SagePay website, the forums, the documentation, but try as you might, there is no statement on what character encoding SagePay uses when posting billing addresses, cart contents etc. I’ll tell you what it is: ISO-8859-1 Yes, it is an 8-bit extended ASCII encoding, from the days of DOS. If your […]
WordPress CSV Importer Plugin – Skipping Duplicates
The meat of this post (until I copy it over) is here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-csv-importer-using-a-unique-field-to-prevent-duplicates There has been a few difficulties in making the required changes to the plugin, so I’m just going to include my version for download here. This is version 0.3.7 of “CSV Importer” for WordPress, but it has a filter hook at the […]
WooCommerce CSV Import – Some Notes
Phew! Just finished migrating 20,000 products to a new WooCommerce shop. Raised a bunch of tickets with WooThemes too, through their incredibly sucky “UserVoice” integration, pretending to be a ticket system (but that’s a winge for another day). The import was interesting, too say the least, and I thought it a good idea to post […]
PHP Backtrace on Errors and Warnings
It is sometimes useful to see back-traces of PHP execution whenever errors or warnings appear on a page. Often you would insert var_dump() statements to see what is happening and to narrow down the source of a problem (I know, not the ideal way to fix bugs, but it is a technique that is always […]