Archive | development

Error 500 on password protecting a directory

I was recently using cPanel to password protect a directory on a website. It was all point-click, so should have  been simple and just work, except it didn’t. After entering your login credentials, the server would return an error instead of giving you access to the directory contents: Error 500: Internal Server Error By password […]

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Laravel 4 – moving uploaded files

Note: This article was written for Laravel 4.x and now very outdated. Please see the comments below for recommendations on other resources you can use for later versions of Laravel. When handling uploaded files in the controller, there is a point where the file needs to be moved to its final destination. Unusually for Laravel, […]

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REST API Library for SugarCRM

I’m working on this library for a couple of projects, and it may be useful if you want to talk to SugarCRM from your PHP application: The library contains access to all of SugarCRM’s REST API functions (V4, so far) and attempts to wrap the Sugar data up into a number of models (Entry, […]

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Google Webfonts for Woo Framework

Bradley Charbonneau has put together a video that demonstrates this plugin in action. Thanks Bradley 🙂 WooThemes are a big WordPress theme provider. They have taken the lean approach of releasing themes that fit the needs of a lot of people, but may be rough around the edges, but work enough. Constant updates then fill […]

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PHP Design Patterns

Some great examples here: Sometimes it is difficult to get a handle on the implementation of a design pattern, no matter how many times you read the theory. This repository is a collection of some practical examples of what they look like. Being a github repository, if you want to add to the list, […]

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