It is common to add a Google Sitemap to your WooCommerce shop. There are many WordPress plugins that will provide this functionality for you. However, be careful you do not expose more than you bargained for, because it can have disastrous consequences on your SEO rating. If your shop uses variations – variable products with […]
Author Archive | Jason Judge
Did you forget to add an attachment?
This message, presented by Thunderbird when an email you are trying to send contains the word “attachment” or similar, bugs the hell out me. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great idea, but those button labels are crazy. So I click “send” and in my mind I am saying to the message, “go!”. Then […]
Query SugarCRM Contacts by Email Address over the API
Update (2013-12-19): I have found a great technique that allows custom queries to be written and accessed through the API, and without having to customise the API at all. It involves creating a simple module then switching its main table for a view. I’ll write this up in a later article, but what it does […]
Google Web Fonts API – categories and subsets
Each font provided by the Google Web Fonts API is in a category, and comes in a variety of one or more subsets. The category provides a broad grouping of the fonts into styles. These are the categories: Sans Serif Display Serif Handwriting Each font will appear in just one of these categories. When you […]
A Primer on PHP Exceptions
The original article is here: The article explains the structure of the exceptions very well, with this simple list summing up what many pages of PHP manual pages does not make very clear: [text] – Exception – ErrorException – LogicException – BadFunctionCallException – BadMethodCallException – DomainException – InvalidArgumentException – LengthException – OutOfRangeException – RuntimeException […]
Resizing of images in WordPress from within a template
WordPress will provide a number of resized images that sit alongside each image that you upload. These are useful to place into posts and pages, archive listings as thumbnails and in themes. Sometimes you may want a specific size for an image to appear in a theme template, but do not want to set it […]
REST API Library for SugarCRM
I’m working on this library for a couple of projects, and it may be useful if you want to talk to SugarCRM from your PHP application: The library contains access to all of SugarCRM’s REST API functions (V4, so far) and attempts to wrap the Sugar data up into a number of models (Entry, […]
Google Webfonts for Woo Framework
Bradley Charbonneau has put together a video that demonstrates this plugin in action. Thanks Bradley 🙂 WooThemes are a big WordPress theme provider. They have taken the lean approach of releasing themes that fit the needs of a lot of people, but may be rough around the edges, but work enough. Constant updates then fill […]
PHP Design Patterns
Some great examples here: Sometimes it is difficult to get a handle on the implementation of a design pattern, no matter how many times you read the theory. This repository is a collection of some practical examples of what they look like. Being a github repository, if you want to add to the list, […]
SugarCRM: relate field passing default values to pop-up select form
Note: This article needs some pictures, which I will do in good time. These are notes on how to set up a pop-up select form on a relate field in SugarCRM 6.5 to default to a value from the parent form. So for example, you have a module Job Applications, and each application is made […]